This year's festival will take place on December 17th and 18th in Barcelona.
The call for entries closed on September 25th.

We'll celebrate Festivalet 2022 at Fabra i Coats, an antique textile factory
built in in the Sant Andreu neighborhood at the turn of the 20th century.

Festivalet is an emblematic independent artisan and design craft fair organised in Barcelona since 2009.

It prides itself on its careful selection of artisan proposals, design and independent gastronomy, always taking into account methodology, originality, proximity, sustainability and coherence.

If you have never participated in a trade show or would like to learn how to take advantage of it, we recommend our online course on Domestika.
Click here.

September 25th was the last day
to submit your proposal.

What is included in a stand:

The stalls (crafts, gastronomy and materials) include, for the entire weekend of the fair: 1 wooden wall behind the stall, 1 table 2x0,8m, 2 chairs, 1 power outlet, security overnight and general cleaning.

Chefs have to bring their own stall or food truck... Electricity (6.000 vatios) and overnight security are included in the price.
Before the fair:
- We publish each participant on Festivalet's Instagram account (feed) and include presence on the web with photo and link.
After the fair:
- We provide different opportunities to meet and network with artisan entrepreneurs that we celebrate throughout the year in Barcelona (at no cost, but reserved for participants)
Each stand can only showcase one brand. Participation is for both days. You cannot participate only one day.

Types of stands and prices:



Manufactured products

Price: 375 euros (+ 21% Spanish VAT)
You are exempt from paying VAT when you are based outside the European Union. If you’re based in the EU you need to have an intracommunity NIF/ID to be exempt from paying Spanish VAT.


Materials necessary for the process of making a product (wool, fabrics, kits...).

Price: 375 euros (+ 21% Spanish VAT)
You are exempt from paying VAT when you are based outside the European Union. If you’re based in the EU you need to have an intracommunity NIF/ID to be exempt from paying Spanish VAT.



Everything related to food. Sweet or salty food or drinks, of artisan production.  To take away or packaged.

Price: 375 euros (+ 21% Spanish VAT)
You are exempt from paying VAT when you are based outside the European Union. If you’re based in the EU you need to have an intracommunity NIF/ID to be exempt from paying Spanish VAT.


Set up your little pop-up restaurant offering breakfast, lunch or homemade snacks.
(Drinks cannot be sold)

Price: 500 euros (+ 21% Spanish VAT)
You are exempt from paying VAT when you are based outside the European Union. If you’re based in the EU you need to have an intracommunity NIF/ID to be exempt from paying Spanish VAT.



Are you a brand or company (little or big!) and you can imagine a prominent presence at the fair and in our communication and social media? Contact us and we will design a personalized option together.


On October 5 we will announce the selected participants


Illustrations by @josearoda